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Pipe Organ Renewal

Consulting services to guide churches through the process of installing their own King of Instruments.

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What is a pipe organ consultant?   If you're reading this, you likely are committed to your church community and curious about acquiring pipe organ.  Where do you start?  Googling "organ builders" and asking for proposals can be time consuming and intimidating. Do you accept the first proposal?  Do you ask around? Do you fall for the myth that a digital organ is just as good and easier to install? Don't misunderstand me, I'm not anti-digital, I'm simply pro pipe organ.  A digital organ is by definition an imitation pipe organ.  There is no substitute for the glory, power, and subtlety of a real pipe organ, and it is my hope that every church seeking a new instrument would explore this option thoroughly. We owe it to God and our parishioners to at least try.  I can tell you that a pipe organ installation is not only possible, but easy and exciting, if you know what to do!  If you are inclined to look into it, your first instinct might be to talk to a music director who has done this before.  I am delighted to be that person for you. Find out more about this below!

About the Consultant:  My name is Luke and I am a Catholic Professional Organist and hymn writer. For 3 years I have shared settings of the antiphons for Mass on this website. Perhaps you have used some.  For over 20 years I have served as a Catholic Music director.  I live with my wife and 4 children in Cleveland, Ohio, where I serve St. Joseph Parish.  One of the more thrilling aspects of my career in liturgical music has been helping local churches find beautiful pipe organs. I can help you along this journey and find you the best options for a stunning and beautiful pipe organ for your church. In addition to my love for Sacred Music and pipe organs, I also work as a Speech Language Pathologist with my wife, Melissa.

Unbiased and Fair

Not associated with any organ builder.  Familiar with the most reputable organ builders, and knowledge of fair market prices.  


With a Masters in Organ Performance and 2 decades as a music director, I understand tonal design and what to look for in a liturgical pipe organ. 

An Advocate

I will help you discern what is best for your church, listen to you, and ensure that you are matched with the right organ builder. 


I've devoted my life to Sacred Music, so I know how much a good instrument can mean on a spiritual level.  I also know what sounds are best suited to liturgical playing. 


I know what speed bumps to expect and how to navigate them, with proven experience helping churches find the right organ. I understand the ups and downs and the bureaucracy of parish life.  

Love for Organs

I do this mainly because I care about the Mass, love pipe organs, and want to see true sacred music flourish.  That's why my fees are so low.  We've all experienced the awe and solemnity that a powerful organ can add to the Mass.  I want all Catholic Churches to have that opportunity. 

Here's how Pipe Organ Consulting Works

Free Consultation

Discuss where you're at with the process for about 15 minutes, and gather ideas or ask questions.  

Schedule your

consultation here


$99.  Zoom meeting inside your church to show me around.  Take photos and measurements.  Then I'll craft and submit to you a plan with various options for how you can get a pipe organ that complements your church, and inspires the others to be invested in supporting it and singing along with it!

Request for Proposal

$299.  When you're ready, I can reach out to an organ builder, or create a formal "RFP" that I send out to many builders.  My recent RFP elicited 10 proposals in or near the client's budget. I'll manage all communication with prospective builders, stay in frequent contact with you, and provide a summary report for your committee. Contract award fee and billable hours after RFP negotiable; e.g. 1% of total contract, $20/half hour.


$99.  Either before or after a builder is chosen, I can adapt my fundraising flyers, price graphs, and bulletin inserts to your specific organ to create attractive materials for your church. 

Recent Project Stories:

My own church had a digital organ from the 80s.  I started looking into replacing it with a digital.  I listened to new installations in the area and was not excited about it. We formed an organ committee and heard some pipe organs. Everyone was sold on the idea of a pipe organ, except some of the organ builders I contacted.  A few told me the ceiling was too low for an organ in the loft.  Fortunately, we found a builder with a similar vision, and now have this glorious organ cantilevered off the loft.

At another local church, the pastor expressed a desire for a pipe organ.  The challenge: no loft, and no room in the music area. Builders said that an organ within the stated budget was impossible. I created a detailed request for proposal, with blueprints, videos, photos, ideas, and a deadline. The response was extraordinary.    As a result of my assistance, the committee received several excellent proposals within their budget. That church is now on its way to a having glorious new instrument in a creative location, utilizing one of the HVAC chambers in the wall. I look forward to sharing more about this project when the contract is officially signed. 
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Schedule a Free Consultation Here

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